Monday, October 19, 2009

Chinese Immigrants in Italy (Prato)

This short video shows how widespread Chinese immigration has become in certain areas of Tuscany, especially Prato. It's so interesting to see the signs in Chinese next to the signs in Italian.


  1. Ciambellina, Here are the Pecha Kucha pictures. No video. My camera isn't up to the dark. Say hello next time.

  2. Ok thanks, Terry. I tried to say hello but you didn't recognize me! Next time I will be my normally more forceful self!

    Man, you sure get around to all the cool events!

  3. In Prato there are certain streets in which all the signs are written in Chines and no one is in Italian.


  4. Io ci devo andare! Volevo andare prima per assaggiare i cantuccini ma come ho detto, sarebbe interessante visitare una citta' Italiana dove i segni stradali appaiono in cinese; da un lato continuo a vedere Italia come un paese monolito, anche se so benissimo che non lo e'.

    Si potrebbe aggiungere anche la zona di San Donnino vicino a Via Pistoiese. Li sono tutti cinesi.


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