Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Top 5 Italian Rock Songs

My friend Laura said the Jovanotti concert in New York last week was great and it got me thinking......

Top 5 Italian rock songs (in random order):

"Inno Nazionale" -- Luca Carboni
"Spirito" -- Litfiba
"Ragazzo Fortunato" -- Jovanotti
"La Canzone del Sole" -- Lucio Battisti
"America" -- Gianna Nannini

Si? No? Fatevi sentire.

You could also easily make the argument that it's "Certe notti" by Ligabue.

Or "Hai un momento, Dio?" (Also by Ligabue)

Maybe one more by Ligabue: I love "Urlando control il cielo."

Italian rock is an acquired taste, but once acquired, it's shot through with memories of the days you've spent in Il Bel Paese.


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