One way to consider the end of the year is to think about holiday parties and shopping.
writers (and other creative people) have to also think about what they can finish (and possibly submit) in the final weeks of the year.
Yes, now's the time to think about this!
Take a look at your goals for the year. How are you doing? You don't need to grade too hard -- things change. Look at me.
My original goals for the year were:
*Publish a work of
fiction somewhere (Ha ha!!!! Did not happen)
*Establish a regular exercise routine (not so much)
*Get a byline in a major national magazine (Still working on that one)
Then halfway through the year, I invented some other goals -- really I suppose replacement goals. And I'm doing pretty good on that front:
translating in earnest (I submitted my first translation to a literary magazine so I will check this one off)
*Find a regular editing gig (I'm now a contract editor, working part-time, at
CNN so I will also check this off)
*Blog regularly for a literary magazine (I've developed a good relationship with
Asymptote Journal, a wonderful online literary mag that celebrates writing in translation and world literature -- so that gets crossed off, too! Woot!)
But there's still more work to be done.
Here's what I hope to do before Dec. 31, 2016:
*Finish translating the first half of an Italian novel I've been working on this year
*Submit something to a literary magazine before the end of the year -- in my case, probably a story from my
Bennington thesis
*Finish the short autobiographical essay for a reach publication (reach!)
*Capitalize on the success of my
New York Times essay by submitting another essay about parenting (possibly to the
Washington Post)
I would love to hear from others (writers but also other creatives) about how you're mapping out the final leg of the year.
Buon lavoro, as they say in Italian!