How cool is this: there's an elementary school in Oregon that offers instruction completely in Italian! Wow!
Well they need a on:
Scuola Italiana di Portland ( is a small, non-profit school, located close to downtown in Portland, OR. The school offers Italian language and cultural enrichment classes for beginning to advanced students ages 3 through 12 and a Reggio Emilia-inspired, full-immersion Italian preschool for 2-5 year-olds.
Position description: Italian teacher with a passion for working with children in a child-centered environment. Native speaker of Italian with relevant educational background.
Teaching experience at the elementary school level, two + years desired. Experience teaching Italian as a second language a plus, as is experience in curriculum development. Interest and/or knowledge of the Reggio Emilia teaching system preferred. Candidates should be flexible, focused and self-motivated, willing to lead a team in developing an academic curriculum for the school. Candidates must be US citizens or have valid US work visas and be available weekends.
Location: Portland, OR
This is a full-time, 9-month, academic year position, with possibility of renewal. Review of candidates will begin immediately and continue until the vacancy is filled. Send resume and references to Scuola Italiana di Portland, c/o Grazia Solazzi, President:
Me = I write, I edit, I speak Italian, I teach & I do some translation, too. Plus, I love these little sugar-dusted donuts that the Italians call ciambelline. Ciambellina = Chah-Mm-Bayl-LEEna. Welcome & start reading!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Italian Film Fest in ATL this week

Just wanted to remind y'all that the Italian Film Festival will take place this week at Georgia State University (in Atlanta).
The festival runs from April 28 to May 1. Below is a list of some of the films that will be screened and the dates. If you're interested, go here for more information:
Nota bene: All screenings are FREE and open to the public.
Ci vediamo li!
I Vicere`
The Viceroys
04/28/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Roberto Faenza
Producer: Elda Ferri
Cast: Alessandro Preziosi, Cristiana Capotondi, Lando Buzzanca, Lucia Bose
Screen Play: Andrea Porporati, Filippo Gentili, Francesco Bruni, Roberto Faenza
Director of Photography: Maurizio Calvesi
Year: 2007
Duration: 120 min.
Genre: Drama
Notte prima degli esami, oggi
Night before the exams, today
04/29/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Fausto Brizzi
Producer: Federica Lucisano, Fulvio Lucisano
Cast: Franco Interlenghi, Giorgio Panariello, Nicolas Vaporidis, Paola Onofri
Screen Play: Fausto Brizzi
Director of Photography: Stefano Paradiso
Editing: Luciana Pandolfelli
Music: Bruno Zambrini
Year: 2007
Duration: 100 min.
Genre: Comedy
Parlami d'Amore
Talk to me about love
04/30/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Silvio Muccino
Producer: Giovanni Stabilini, Marco Chimenez, Riccardo Tozzi
Cast: Aitana Sanchez-Gijon, Carolina Crescentini, Silvio Muccino
Screen Play: Silvio Muccino
Director of Photography: Arnaldo Catinari
Editing: Patrizio Marone
Music: Andrea Guerra
Year: 2008
Duration: 115 min.
Genre: Romantic comedy
Prendimi l'anima
The Soul Keeper
05/01/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Roberto Faenza
Producer: Elda Ferri
Cast: Caroline Ducey, Craig Ferguson, Emilia Fox, Iain Glen
Screen Play: Roberto Faenza
Director of Photography: Maurizio Calvesi
Year: 2003
Duration: 102 min.
Genre: Drama
Terremoto: "One Building In Two Unsafe At L’Aquila"
From Corriere della Sera's Italian Life section:
One Building In Two Unsafe At L’Aquila
Checks reveal 30% of homes, schools and public buildings in province also unsafe. Public prosecutor calls inquiry “the mother of all investigations”
L’AQUILA – The situation is much worse than it appeared initially. After the first 1,000 checks carried out by the civil protection agency on buildings still standing, it transpires that one in two is unsafe.
This is enough to confirm that the historic centre of L’Aquila and the villages at the epicentre of the quake could be in a state of near-catastrophe. The investigation, launched by the public prosecutor’s office, concentrated on the three streets with the highest numbers of victims – Via XX Settembre, Via Luigi Sturzo and Via Generale Francesco Rossi – along with public edifices that either collapsed or suffered severe damage, despite having been built to comply with anti-earthquake criteria.
It is suspected that unsuitable building materials may have been used, or that reports of serious problems may have been ignored despite calls for evacuation or restructuring of the edifices concerned.
The civil protection agency carried out some checks in less severely affected areas to enable those who have left homes that are not at risk to leave the emergency camps. Magistrates are taking another approach and have given priority to collapsed buildings that claimed victims. Less badly damaged buildings will come under scrutiny later.
Early figures from both inquiries are worrying. Out of 162 “private residential buildings” inspected at L’Aquila, precisely half – 81 – are no longer fit for habitation. Things are little better in the province, where 643 check ups produced 248 negative results.
The first figures for public structures are equally discouraging, the 78 checks in L’Aquila producing 45 cases where inspectors were unable to declare the building safe. The same average emerged from inspections of schools. Out of 25 schools visited at L’Aquila, 14 were found to be unsafe while three out of six inspected in the province also failed to meet requirements. This is just the beginning.
According to estimates from the civil protection agency, at least 22,000 buildings are require attention, a total that is destined to rise. It will take months to quantify the damage and magistrates will also be busy with criminal investigations for some time.
Public prosecutor Alfredo Rossini called it “the mother of all investigations.” Yesterday, Mr Rossini’s deputy, Fabio Picuti, chaired a meeting with the team of experts and investigators appointed to inspect the building stock.
Both magistrates know that it could take weeks to identify any criminal liability since engineers will have to report and chemical tests will have to be carried out before charges can be brought. In the circumstances, these could range from culpable disaster to manslaughter. Most important, investigators must recover files relating to the buildings that collapsed or were seriously damaged, documents that are held in local authority offices themselves declared unsafe. Recovery has been delegated to officers from the flying squad, coordinated by Salvatore Gava.
Early checks carried out at the student residence and San Salvatore hospital revealed that reinforced concrete columns may not have been code-compliant as insufficient iron appears to have been used. The concrete itself will now be analysed. Volunteers from the mountain rescue cave unit – which for the first time used micro-explosives to clear rubble – told how they noticed “how friable the structures were. In fact, the frame came away in our hands."
One Building In Two Unsafe At L’Aquila
Checks reveal 30% of homes, schools and public buildings in province also unsafe. Public prosecutor calls inquiry “the mother of all investigations”
L’AQUILA – The situation is much worse than it appeared initially. After the first 1,000 checks carried out by the civil protection agency on buildings still standing, it transpires that one in two is unsafe.
This is enough to confirm that the historic centre of L’Aquila and the villages at the epicentre of the quake could be in a state of near-catastrophe. The investigation, launched by the public prosecutor’s office, concentrated on the three streets with the highest numbers of victims – Via XX Settembre, Via Luigi Sturzo and Via Generale Francesco Rossi – along with public edifices that either collapsed or suffered severe damage, despite having been built to comply with anti-earthquake criteria.
It is suspected that unsuitable building materials may have been used, or that reports of serious problems may have been ignored despite calls for evacuation or restructuring of the edifices concerned.
The civil protection agency carried out some checks in less severely affected areas to enable those who have left homes that are not at risk to leave the emergency camps. Magistrates are taking another approach and have given priority to collapsed buildings that claimed victims. Less badly damaged buildings will come under scrutiny later.
Early figures from both inquiries are worrying. Out of 162 “private residential buildings” inspected at L’Aquila, precisely half – 81 – are no longer fit for habitation. Things are little better in the province, where 643 check ups produced 248 negative results.
The first figures for public structures are equally discouraging, the 78 checks in L’Aquila producing 45 cases where inspectors were unable to declare the building safe. The same average emerged from inspections of schools. Out of 25 schools visited at L’Aquila, 14 were found to be unsafe while three out of six inspected in the province also failed to meet requirements. This is just the beginning.
According to estimates from the civil protection agency, at least 22,000 buildings are require attention, a total that is destined to rise. It will take months to quantify the damage and magistrates will also be busy with criminal investigations for some time.
Public prosecutor Alfredo Rossini called it “the mother of all investigations.” Yesterday, Mr Rossini’s deputy, Fabio Picuti, chaired a meeting with the team of experts and investigators appointed to inspect the building stock.
Both magistrates know that it could take weeks to identify any criminal liability since engineers will have to report and chemical tests will have to be carried out before charges can be brought. In the circumstances, these could range from culpable disaster to manslaughter. Most important, investigators must recover files relating to the buildings that collapsed or were seriously damaged, documents that are held in local authority offices themselves declared unsafe. Recovery has been delegated to officers from the flying squad, coordinated by Salvatore Gava.
Early checks carried out at the student residence and San Salvatore hospital revealed that reinforced concrete columns may not have been code-compliant as insufficient iron appears to have been used. The concrete itself will now be analysed. Volunteers from the mountain rescue cave unit – which for the first time used micro-explosives to clear rubble – told how they noticed “how friable the structures were. In fact, the frame came away in our hands."
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Una barza!
Today's joke:
Un sindaco chiede un preventivo per pitturare la facciata del municipio e gli arrivano tre offerte.
Quella di un tedesco di 3.000 euro, quella di un francese di 6.000 e quella di un italiano di 9.000 euro.
Davanti a tali differenze convoca una riunione con i tre concorrenti affinchè giustifichino i loro preventivi.
Il tedesco gli dice che vuole usare una vernice acrilica per esterni che costa 1.000 euro e che vuole dare due mani, poi tra impalcature e pennelli si spendono altri 1.000 euro ed il resto è il suo guadagno.
Il francese giustifica il suo preventivo dicendo che lui è il miglior pittore in circolazione, che usa una vernice poliuretanica e che vuole dare tre mani. La pittura viene quindi 3.000 euro, tra impalcature e pennelli si spendono altri 2.000 euro e gli altri 1.000 sono il suo guadagno.
L'italiano, che viene ascoltato solo per curiosità poichè il suo preventivo non è paragonabile agli altri, dice: "Sindaco, il mio è sicuramente il preventivo migliore: 3.000 euro sono per te, 3.000 sono per me e 3.000 sono per il tedesco che pittura la facciata..."
Un sindaco chiede un preventivo per pitturare la facciata del municipio e gli arrivano tre offerte.
Quella di un tedesco di 3.000 euro, quella di un francese di 6.000 e quella di un italiano di 9.000 euro.
Davanti a tali differenze convoca una riunione con i tre concorrenti affinchè giustifichino i loro preventivi.
Il tedesco gli dice che vuole usare una vernice acrilica per esterni che costa 1.000 euro e che vuole dare due mani, poi tra impalcature e pennelli si spendono altri 1.000 euro ed il resto è il suo guadagno.
Il francese giustifica il suo preventivo dicendo che lui è il miglior pittore in circolazione, che usa una vernice poliuretanica e che vuole dare tre mani. La pittura viene quindi 3.000 euro, tra impalcature e pennelli si spendono altri 2.000 euro e gli altri 1.000 sono il suo guadagno.
L'italiano, che viene ascoltato solo per curiosità poichè il suo preventivo non è paragonabile agli altri, dice: "Sindaco, il mio è sicuramente il preventivo migliore: 3.000 euro sono per te, 3.000 sono per me e 3.000 sono per il tedesco che pittura la facciata..."
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Beneficenza @ Fritti
Siamo andati ieri sera ad una pizzeria qui ad Atlanta che si chiama Fritti per prendere parte di una beneficenza per le vittime del terremoto in Abruzzo.
(Tutti i soldi incassati ieri sera alla pizzeria andrà ad un fondo per le vittime).
Eravamo stati li a mangiare l'anno scorso prima di fare il trasloco, ma si voleva tornare perché c'era arrivato un nuovo pizzaiolo da Napoli.
Allora abbiamo assaggiato la pizza e persino abbiamo incontrato il pizzaiolo! Si chiama Enrico, e girava per la pizzeria, offrendo limoncello dopocena.
Ho preso la pizza margherita (che vedi nella foto quassù) e Il Nostro Inviato invece ha preso la pizza toscana (qui a sinistra). Erano buone, anche se la pizza qui in USA è sempre diversa da quella che si mangia in Italia. Non ne sono esperta ma credo che abbia a fare con l'acqua.
La crosta è piuttosto morbida e spessa. Però era buona! Soprattutto con la mozzarella di bufala.
E poi non importa se abbiamo mangiato bene o meno -- si voleva fare un piccolo gesto nei confronti dei terramotati.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Fundraiser for Abruzzo earthquake victims -- Tues & Wed
Buongiorno, buongiorno!
Just a repeat from last week: there are two fundraisers in Atlanta this week for victims of the earthquake in Abruzzo. The details are below -- I think I will be going to Fritti in Inman Park tomorrow to help out the earthquake victims and see how the new pizzaiolo from Naples stacks up!
(Verbiage courtesy of the CIANCIA newsletter)
Please join us in the effort to raise funds for the people affected by the earthquake. On Tuesday, April 21st, U Restaurants will host the Dine Out for Earthquake Relief.
This is a great pledge of Riccardo Ullio, as all profits from dinner at Sotto Sotto, Fritti, Cuerno and Beleza will go to provide relief for the victims through the International Red Cross. In order to raise additional funds, U Restaurants will hold a raffle featuring an array of great prizes, worth over $4500, from U Restaurants and other local retailers. Raffle tickets can be purchased at all U Restaurants and will be available at Tuesday’s Ciancia meeting.
Here is a list of the prizes so far:
*5-course wine dinner for four at Shaun’s restaurant Value $400
*Saturday night entry for 8, VIP table reservation and bottle service at The Mark Ultralounge Value $ 500
*Happy-hour tapas and sangria party for 30 people at Cuerno restaurant Value $1500
*Five course wine dinner for 8 at Sotto Sotto restaurant Value $800
*Five course wine dinner for four at Rathbun’s restaurant Value $400
*Six course tasting menu with wine pairings for two at Restaurant Eugene Value $220
*VIP entry for 10, table and bottle service at Tongue and Groove Nightclub Value $500
*Three hour limo ride from all executive limo service Value $ 250
*Headshot by celebrity photographer Lou Freeman Value $350
*Five course tasting menu with wine pairings for two at Aria Value $250
Date: Tuesday, April 21st
Time: Lunch and Dinner
Location: U Restaurants
Varasano's Pizzeria, in conjunction with Brett Holtzclaw, Italian Meetup, and CIANCIA, is hosting a night of fantastic food and drink, to support our Italian community and their families back in the homeland.
We invite Atlanta to come out and party with a purpose. 10% of proceeds will go directly to the Red Cross International Response Fund, earmarked for the Italian Earthquake, to provide relief for those affected by this disaster. Additional donations are welcome.
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Time: 5:00pm - 11:00pm
Location: Varasano's Pizzeria - 2171 Peachtree Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
Just a repeat from last week: there are two fundraisers in Atlanta this week for victims of the earthquake in Abruzzo. The details are below -- I think I will be going to Fritti in Inman Park tomorrow to help out the earthquake victims and see how the new pizzaiolo from Naples stacks up!
(Verbiage courtesy of the CIANCIA newsletter)
Please join us in the effort to raise funds for the people affected by the earthquake. On Tuesday, April 21st, U Restaurants will host the Dine Out for Earthquake Relief.
This is a great pledge of Riccardo Ullio, as all profits from dinner at Sotto Sotto, Fritti, Cuerno and Beleza will go to provide relief for the victims through the International Red Cross. In order to raise additional funds, U Restaurants will hold a raffle featuring an array of great prizes, worth over $4500, from U Restaurants and other local retailers. Raffle tickets can be purchased at all U Restaurants and will be available at Tuesday’s Ciancia meeting.
Here is a list of the prizes so far:
*5-course wine dinner for four at Shaun’s restaurant Value $400
*Saturday night entry for 8, VIP table reservation and bottle service at The Mark Ultralounge Value $ 500
*Happy-hour tapas and sangria party for 30 people at Cuerno restaurant Value $1500
*Five course wine dinner for 8 at Sotto Sotto restaurant Value $800
*Five course wine dinner for four at Rathbun’s restaurant Value $400
*Six course tasting menu with wine pairings for two at Restaurant Eugene Value $220
*VIP entry for 10, table and bottle service at Tongue and Groove Nightclub Value $500
*Three hour limo ride from all executive limo service Value $ 250
*Headshot by celebrity photographer Lou Freeman Value $350
*Five course tasting menu with wine pairings for two at Aria Value $250
Date: Tuesday, April 21st
Time: Lunch and Dinner
Location: U Restaurants
Varasano's Pizzeria, in conjunction with Brett Holtzclaw, Italian Meetup, and CIANCIA, is hosting a night of fantastic food and drink, to support our Italian community and their families back in the homeland.
We invite Atlanta to come out and party with a purpose. 10% of proceeds will go directly to the Red Cross International Response Fund, earmarked for the Italian Earthquake, to provide relief for those affected by this disaster. Additional donations are welcome.
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Time: 5:00pm - 11:00pm
Location: Varasano's Pizzeria - 2171 Peachtree Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Musica: "La Mia Ragazza"
"La Mia Ragazza" di Luca Carboni
Watch it here:
La mia ragazza è un fiore che vedo sbocciare
sulle lenzuola dell'ospedale
sul suo vestito bianco il suo viso stanco
piange gocce di rugiada
La mia ragazza è l'Africa, è calda e limpida
la mia ragazza è tutto il mondo
...e tiene in braccio il suo bambino
apre gli occhi è piccolino...
La mia ragazza è terra, è carne e sangue
dal suo seno nasce il grano
La mia ragazza è anima, spirito e preghiera
dal suo cuore nasce amore
è un raggio di sole che illumina la stanza
la mia ragazza è mia x sempre
...e tiene in braccio il mio bambino
chiude gli occhi è piccolino
e tiene in braccio il mio bambino
apre il becco è un uccellino...
Infermiere, ostetriche, pediatri e dottori
poi i re magi ed i pastori
e questo è il centro di tutto il pianeta
in cielo la stella cometa
...e tiene in braccio il suo bambino
apre gli occhi è piccolino
e tiene in braccio il mio bambino
muove le ali è un uccellino...
Sta tutto dentro ad una mano
apre le ali è già lontano...
Watch it here:
La mia ragazza è un fiore che vedo sbocciare
sulle lenzuola dell'ospedale
sul suo vestito bianco il suo viso stanco
piange gocce di rugiada
La mia ragazza è l'Africa, è calda e limpida
la mia ragazza è tutto il mondo
...e tiene in braccio il suo bambino
apre gli occhi è piccolino...
La mia ragazza è terra, è carne e sangue
dal suo seno nasce il grano
La mia ragazza è anima, spirito e preghiera
dal suo cuore nasce amore
è un raggio di sole che illumina la stanza
la mia ragazza è mia x sempre
...e tiene in braccio il mio bambino
chiude gli occhi è piccolino
e tiene in braccio il mio bambino
apre il becco è un uccellino...
Infermiere, ostetriche, pediatri e dottori
poi i re magi ed i pastori
e questo è il centro di tutto il pianeta
in cielo la stella cometa
...e tiene in braccio il suo bambino
apre gli occhi è piccolino
e tiene in braccio il mio bambino
muove le ali è un uccellino...
Sta tutto dentro ad una mano
apre le ali è già lontano...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Celebrating Giorgio Bassani
As someone who loved the book "Il Giardino dei Finzi-Contini," I would love to attend the following event!
Italian Cultural Institute of New York presents:
The opening of "Celebrating Giorgio Bassani" in New York with the participation of Paola Bassani, daughter of the author, and featuring:
"The Painted Word"
An exhibition of paintings by Giorgio Morandi, Filippo De Pisis, Mario Cavaglieri, and Francis Bacon among other artists connected to Bassani’s emotional and inspirational world, with a selection of original manuscripts and letters.
Friday, April 17, 2009
6 pm
On view through May 7, 2009
Italian Cultural Institute of New York
686 Park Avenue
RSVP: 212-879-4242, ext. 370
Italian Cultural Institute of New York presents:
The opening of "Celebrating Giorgio Bassani" in New York with the participation of Paola Bassani, daughter of the author, and featuring:
"The Painted Word"
An exhibition of paintings by Giorgio Morandi, Filippo De Pisis, Mario Cavaglieri, and Francis Bacon among other artists connected to Bassani’s emotional and inspirational world, with a selection of original manuscripts and letters.
Friday, April 17, 2009
6 pm
On view through May 7, 2009
Italian Cultural Institute of New York
686 Park Avenue
RSVP: 212-879-4242, ext. 370
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Always Looking for Signs of Italy in Atlanta
Moto Bravo scooter store in Midtown (Atlanta) above and also in the photo below; Should be the right place to find Vespa t-shirts for Il Nostro Inviato!
Atlanta is a good place to own a scooter. Maybe if Il Nostro Inviato didn't already have an Alfa Romeo....but he does!
Saw this sign, above, on the porch of a house in Cabbagetown! It translates as, "Welcome to Foley's Vineyard."
Okay, so I saw this last "sign of Italy in Atlanta" in my own kitchen ma va bene, no?! Le lasagne -- buonissime!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Peanuts all'italiana
Atlanta Fundraisers for Earthquake victims (terremoto)
From the newsletter of CIANCIA, the Italian Conversation Club of Atlanta, news of two fundraisers for the people displaced by last week's devastating earthquake in southern Italy:
Please join us in the effort to raise funds for the people affected by the earthquake. On Tuesday, April 21st, U Restaurants will host the Dine Out for Earthquake Relief.
This is a great pledge of Riccardo Ullio, as all profits from dinner at Sotto Sotto, Fritti, Cuerno and Beleza will go to provide relief for the victims through the International Red Cross. In order to raise additional funds, U Restaurants will hold a raffle featuring an array of great prizes, worth over $4500, from U Restaurants and other local retailers. Raffle tickets can be purchased at all U Restaurants and will be available at Tuesday’s Ciancia meeting.
Here is a list of the prizes so far:
*5-course wine dinner for four at Shaun’s restaurant Value $400
*Saturday night entry for 8, VIP table reservation and bottle service at The Mark Ultralounge Value $ 500
*Happy-hour tapas and sangria party for 30 people at Cuerno restaurant Value $1500
*Five course wine dinner for 8 at Sotto Sotto restaurant Value $800
*Five course wine dinner for four at Rathbun’s restaurant Value $400
*Six course tasting menu with wine pairings for two at Restaurant Eugene Value $220
*VIP entry for 10, table and bottle service at Tongue and Groove Nightclub Value $500
*Three hour limo ride from all executive limo service Value $ 250
*Headshot by celebrity photographer Lou Freeman Value $350
*Five course tasting menu with wine pairings for two at Aria Value $250
Date: Tuesday, April 21st
Time: Lunch and Dinner
Location: U Restaurants
Varasano's Pizzeria, in conjunction with Brett Holtzclaw, Italian Meetup, and CIANCIA, is hosting a night of fantastic food and drink, to support our Italian community and their families back in the homeland.
We invite Atlanta to come out and party with a purpose. 10% of proceeds will go directly to the Red Cross International Response Fund, earmarked for the Italian Earthquake, to provide relief for those affected by this disaster. Additional donations are welcome.
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Time: 5:00pm - 11:00pm
Location: Varasano's Pizzeria - 2171 Peachtree Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
Please join us in the effort to raise funds for the people affected by the earthquake. On Tuesday, April 21st, U Restaurants will host the Dine Out for Earthquake Relief.
This is a great pledge of Riccardo Ullio, as all profits from dinner at Sotto Sotto, Fritti, Cuerno and Beleza will go to provide relief for the victims through the International Red Cross. In order to raise additional funds, U Restaurants will hold a raffle featuring an array of great prizes, worth over $4500, from U Restaurants and other local retailers. Raffle tickets can be purchased at all U Restaurants and will be available at Tuesday’s Ciancia meeting.
Here is a list of the prizes so far:
*5-course wine dinner for four at Shaun’s restaurant Value $400
*Saturday night entry for 8, VIP table reservation and bottle service at The Mark Ultralounge Value $ 500
*Happy-hour tapas and sangria party for 30 people at Cuerno restaurant Value $1500
*Five course wine dinner for 8 at Sotto Sotto restaurant Value $800
*Five course wine dinner for four at Rathbun’s restaurant Value $400
*Six course tasting menu with wine pairings for two at Restaurant Eugene Value $220
*VIP entry for 10, table and bottle service at Tongue and Groove Nightclub Value $500
*Three hour limo ride from all executive limo service Value $ 250
*Headshot by celebrity photographer Lou Freeman Value $350
*Five course tasting menu with wine pairings for two at Aria Value $250
Date: Tuesday, April 21st
Time: Lunch and Dinner
Location: U Restaurants
Varasano's Pizzeria, in conjunction with Brett Holtzclaw, Italian Meetup, and CIANCIA, is hosting a night of fantastic food and drink, to support our Italian community and their families back in the homeland.
We invite Atlanta to come out and party with a purpose. 10% of proceeds will go directly to the Red Cross International Response Fund, earmarked for the Italian Earthquake, to provide relief for those affected by this disaster. Additional donations are welcome.
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Time: 5:00pm - 11:00pm
Location: Varasano's Pizzeria - 2171 Peachtree Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Italian Film Fest @ Atlanta
I just found out that there will be a small Italian Film Festival at Georgia State University in Atlanta at the end of the month.
The festival runs from April 28 to May 1. Below is a list of some of the films that will be screened and the dates. If you're interested, go here for more information:
Nota bene: All screenings are FREE and open to the public.
Notte prima degli esami, oggi
Night before the exams, today
04/29/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Fausto Brizzi
Producer: Federica Lucisano, Fulvio Lucisano
Cast: Franco Interlenghi, Giorgio Panariello, Nicolas Vaporidis, Paola Onofri
Screen Play: Fausto Brizzi
Director of Photography: Stefano Paradiso
Editing: Luciana Pandolfelli
Music: Bruno Zambrini
Year: 2007
Duration: 100 min.
Genre: Comedy
Parlami d'Amore
Talk to me about love
04/30/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Silvio Muccino
Producer: Giovanni Stabilini, Marco Chimenez, Riccardo Tozzi
Cast: Aitana Sanchez-Gijon, Carolina Crescentini, Silvio Muccino
Screen Play: Silvio Muccino
Director of Photography: Arnaldo Catinari
Editing: Patrizio Marone
Music: Andrea Guerra
Year: 2008
Duration: 115 min.
Genre: Romantic comedy
Prendimi l'anima
The Soul Keeper
05/01/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Roberto Faenza
Producer: Elda Ferri
Cast: Caroline Ducey, Craig Ferguson, Emilia Fox, Iain Glen
Screen Play: Roberto Faenza
Director of Photography: Maurizio Calvesi
Year: 2003
Duration: 102 min.
Genre: Drama
I Vicere`
The Viceroys
04/28/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Roberto Faenza
Producer: Elda Ferri
Cast: Alessandro Preziosi, Cristiana Capotondi, Lando Buzzanca, Lucia Bose
Screen Play: Andrea Porporati, Filippo Gentili, Francesco Bruni, Roberto Faenza
Director of Photography: Maurizio Calvesi
Year: 2007
Duration: 120 min.
Genre: Drama
The festival runs from April 28 to May 1. Below is a list of some of the films that will be screened and the dates. If you're interested, go here for more information:
Nota bene: All screenings are FREE and open to the public.
Notte prima degli esami, oggi
Night before the exams, today
04/29/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Fausto Brizzi
Producer: Federica Lucisano, Fulvio Lucisano
Cast: Franco Interlenghi, Giorgio Panariello, Nicolas Vaporidis, Paola Onofri
Screen Play: Fausto Brizzi
Director of Photography: Stefano Paradiso
Editing: Luciana Pandolfelli
Music: Bruno Zambrini
Year: 2007
Duration: 100 min.
Genre: Comedy
Parlami d'Amore
Talk to me about love
04/30/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Silvio Muccino
Producer: Giovanni Stabilini, Marco Chimenez, Riccardo Tozzi
Cast: Aitana Sanchez-Gijon, Carolina Crescentini, Silvio Muccino
Screen Play: Silvio Muccino
Director of Photography: Arnaldo Catinari
Editing: Patrizio Marone
Music: Andrea Guerra
Year: 2008
Duration: 115 min.
Genre: Romantic comedy
Prendimi l'anima
The Soul Keeper
05/01/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Roberto Faenza
Producer: Elda Ferri
Cast: Caroline Ducey, Craig Ferguson, Emilia Fox, Iain Glen
Screen Play: Roberto Faenza
Director of Photography: Maurizio Calvesi
Year: 2003
Duration: 102 min.
Genre: Drama
I Vicere`
The Viceroys
04/28/09 - 8:00 PM - Rialto Center of the Arts
Director: Roberto Faenza
Producer: Elda Ferri
Cast: Alessandro Preziosi, Cristiana Capotondi, Lando Buzzanca, Lucia Bose
Screen Play: Andrea Porporati, Filippo Gentili, Francesco Bruni, Roberto Faenza
Director of Photography: Maurizio Calvesi
Year: 2007
Duration: 120 min.
Genre: Drama
In vino veritas
I found this quotation on the Web site of a winebar in downtown Atlanta called Social that I want to visit:
"Water separates people of the world, wines unites them."
(Traduzione: "L'acqua divide i populi nel mondo, il vino li unisce.")
"Water separates people of the world, wines unites them."
(Traduzione: "L'acqua divide i populi nel mondo, il vino li unisce.")
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Italian Official: In California, No One Would Be Dead
More earthquake coverage, from the New York Times:
Italian Official: In California, No One Would Be Dead
By By Robert Mackey and Liz Robbins
Published: April 7, 2009
As Italy recovers from the deadly earthquake on Monday in the Abruzzo region, an Italian official has blamed poor enforcement of building standards and stated simply: "In California, an earthquake like this one would not have killed a single person."
Here's the link:
Italian Official: In California, No One Would Be Dead
By By Robert Mackey and Liz Robbins
Published: April 7, 2009
As Italy recovers from the deadly earthquake on Monday in the Abruzzo region, an Italian official has blamed poor enforcement of building standards and stated simply: "In California, an earthquake like this one would not have killed a single person."
Here's the link:
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Italian Earthquake Death Toll Rises to 207
Italians Comb Through Rubble After Quake
Published: April 8, 2009
The death toll rose to 207, but the estimated number of homeless was lowered to 17,000, officials said.
Here's the link to the New York Times' story:
Published: April 8, 2009
The death toll rose to 207, but the estimated number of homeless was lowered to 17,000, officials said.
Here's the link to the New York Times' story:
Monday, April 06, 2009
Earthquake in Italy
International / Europe
At Least 92 Die in Earthquake in Italy
Published: April 7, 2009
The 6.3 magnitude earthquake shook the Abruzzo region east of Rome on Monday, seriously damaging buildings.
Here's the link to the story:
At Least 92 Die in Earthquake in Italy
Published: April 7, 2009
The 6.3 magnitude earthquake shook the Abruzzo region east of Rome on Monday, seriously damaging buildings.
Here's the link to the story:
Terremoto in Abruzzo: 92 morti accertati, 100 mila sfollati e 1.500 feriti
Dal Corriere:
Crollati molti edifici: 45-50 mila sfollati. Il sisma, di 5,8 gradi Richter, avvertito alle 3,32 in tutto il Centro Italia
Terremoto di 5,2 gradi tra le province di Parma e Reggio Emilia
Una via di L'Aquila sommersa dalle macerie (Ansa)
L'AQUILA - Un terremoto di 5,8 gradi della scala Richter è avvenuto alle 3,32 con epicentro in Abruzzo, a circa 1o km dall'Aquila. La scossa è stata avvertita in tutto il centro Italia, dalla Romagna a Napoli. Pesante il bilancio: circa cento morti, decine di dispersi, 1.500 feriti, circa 100 mila gli sfollati, 10-15 mila edifici danneggiati con pesanti danni al patrimonio storico e artistico.
EMERGENZA - Il presidente del Consiglio, Silvio Berlusconi, che ha firmato lo stato d'emergenza (mobilitando Esercito, Aeronautica e Carabinieri) e ha affidato la gestione a Guido Bertolaso, ha annullato la prevista visita ufficiale a Mosca e si è subito recato all'Aquila insieme ai ministri dell'Interno, Roberto Maroni, e delle Infrastrutture e dei trasporti, Altero Matteoli. Il capo della Protezione civile, che è giunto all'Aquila nelle prime ore dopo il sisma, ha parlato di una «situazione drammatica, la peggiore tragedia di questo inizio millenio».
IL PAPA E IL PRESIDENTE - Sia Benedetto XVI che il presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano, hanno inviato messaggi di solidarietà alle popolazioni colpite dal terremoto. Messaggi di solidarietà all'Italia anche da ogni nazione. La notizia ha immediatamente fatto il giro del mondo ed è stata riportata in apertura da tutti i principali siti di informazione internazionali.
«NESSUNO SARÀ LASCIATO SOLO» - Dopo l'arrivo all'Aquila, Berlusconi ha tenuto una prima conferenza stampa per fare il punto sulla situazione. «In volo ho visto che dovunque c'è un crollo, c'è qualcuno che aiuta. Nessuno sarà lasciato solo», ha detto il presidente del Consiglio.
LA SCOSSA - Il terremoto è avvenuto a una profondita di 8,8 km. Giulio Selvaggi, direttore del Centro nazionale terremoti, ha dichiarato che un sisma di 5,8 gradi Richter è considerato «moderato, con un'intensità 30 volte inferiore a quella che nel 1980 devastò l'Irpinia». L'Abruzzo è interessato da uno sciame sismico iniziato lo scorso 16 gennaio con centinaia di scosse. Il capo della Protezione civile, Guido Bertolaso, ha dichiarato che era impossibile prevedere il sisma, ma già infuriano le polemiche per la messa in guardia della scorsa settimana su un imminente terremoto del ricercatore Giuliani, indagato per procurato allarme.
BILANCIO PROVVISORIO - Drammatico il bilancio, provvisorio e purtroppo destinato ad aumentare: almeno 92 morti accertati, centinaia di feriti e circa 100 mila sfollati. Tra le vittime ci sono almeno cinque bambini. Centinaia gli edifici crollati completamente o in parte, migliaia quelli lesionati e inagibili. Gli sfollati potrebbero essere 45-50 mila solo all'Aquila, e altrettanti in provincia. La Caritas si sta attivando per mobilitare aiuti e volontari.
I soccorsi sono resi difficili dalle continue scosse di assestamento (una anche durante la conferenza stampa di Berlusconi) che rischiano di far crollare gli edifici lesionati e dal fatto che la prefettura, dalla quale si dovevano coordinare i soccorsi, è interamente distrutta. Anche la sede della provincia e altri uffici regionali sono pesantemente danneggiati. Il coordinamento dei soccorsi è stato istituito presso la scuola della Guardia di finanza. Il sindaco, Massimo Cialente, ha invitato i cittadini «a lasciare immediatamente il centro storico, perché anche le case non crollate possono essere gravemente lesionate».
Crollati molti edifici: 45-50 mila sfollati. Il sisma, di 5,8 gradi Richter, avvertito alle 3,32 in tutto il Centro Italia
Terremoto di 5,2 gradi tra le province di Parma e Reggio Emilia
Una via di L'Aquila sommersa dalle macerie (Ansa)
L'AQUILA - Un terremoto di 5,8 gradi della scala Richter è avvenuto alle 3,32 con epicentro in Abruzzo, a circa 1o km dall'Aquila. La scossa è stata avvertita in tutto il centro Italia, dalla Romagna a Napoli. Pesante il bilancio: circa cento morti, decine di dispersi, 1.500 feriti, circa 100 mila gli sfollati, 10-15 mila edifici danneggiati con pesanti danni al patrimonio storico e artistico.
EMERGENZA - Il presidente del Consiglio, Silvio Berlusconi, che ha firmato lo stato d'emergenza (mobilitando Esercito, Aeronautica e Carabinieri) e ha affidato la gestione a Guido Bertolaso, ha annullato la prevista visita ufficiale a Mosca e si è subito recato all'Aquila insieme ai ministri dell'Interno, Roberto Maroni, e delle Infrastrutture e dei trasporti, Altero Matteoli. Il capo della Protezione civile, che è giunto all'Aquila nelle prime ore dopo il sisma, ha parlato di una «situazione drammatica, la peggiore tragedia di questo inizio millenio».
IL PAPA E IL PRESIDENTE - Sia Benedetto XVI che il presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano, hanno inviato messaggi di solidarietà alle popolazioni colpite dal terremoto. Messaggi di solidarietà all'Italia anche da ogni nazione. La notizia ha immediatamente fatto il giro del mondo ed è stata riportata in apertura da tutti i principali siti di informazione internazionali.
«NESSUNO SARÀ LASCIATO SOLO» - Dopo l'arrivo all'Aquila, Berlusconi ha tenuto una prima conferenza stampa per fare il punto sulla situazione. «In volo ho visto che dovunque c'è un crollo, c'è qualcuno che aiuta. Nessuno sarà lasciato solo», ha detto il presidente del Consiglio.
LA SCOSSA - Il terremoto è avvenuto a una profondita di 8,8 km. Giulio Selvaggi, direttore del Centro nazionale terremoti, ha dichiarato che un sisma di 5,8 gradi Richter è considerato «moderato, con un'intensità 30 volte inferiore a quella che nel 1980 devastò l'Irpinia». L'Abruzzo è interessato da uno sciame sismico iniziato lo scorso 16 gennaio con centinaia di scosse. Il capo della Protezione civile, Guido Bertolaso, ha dichiarato che era impossibile prevedere il sisma, ma già infuriano le polemiche per la messa in guardia della scorsa settimana su un imminente terremoto del ricercatore Giuliani, indagato per procurato allarme.
BILANCIO PROVVISORIO - Drammatico il bilancio, provvisorio e purtroppo destinato ad aumentare: almeno 92 morti accertati, centinaia di feriti e circa 100 mila sfollati. Tra le vittime ci sono almeno cinque bambini. Centinaia gli edifici crollati completamente o in parte, migliaia quelli lesionati e inagibili. Gli sfollati potrebbero essere 45-50 mila solo all'Aquila, e altrettanti in provincia. La Caritas si sta attivando per mobilitare aiuti e volontari.
I soccorsi sono resi difficili dalle continue scosse di assestamento (una anche durante la conferenza stampa di Berlusconi) che rischiano di far crollare gli edifici lesionati e dal fatto che la prefettura, dalla quale si dovevano coordinare i soccorsi, è interamente distrutta. Anche la sede della provincia e altri uffici regionali sono pesantemente danneggiati. Il coordinamento dei soccorsi è stato istituito presso la scuola della Guardia di finanza. Il sindaco, Massimo Cialente, ha invitato i cittadini «a lasciare immediatamente il centro storico, perché anche le case non crollate possono essere gravemente lesionate».
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Translating for "Eurocrime"

Maybe some of you wonder what I have been up to since moving back to Atlanta senza un lavoro vero e proprio.
Well one very cool thing I've done is translate (tradurre) interviews for a documentary on Italian police films from the 1970s, known as polizieschi or poliziotteschi.
You can see the promotional poster for the film, called "Eurocrime," above.
An Atlanta-based film aficionado and director called Mike Malloy is the man behind the project, and he's still putting the finishing touches on the film, which has caught the interest of Showtime, among other outlets.
One interesting thing I learned was the films featured not only Italian actors but also some big American names including Martin Balsam and Henry Silva.
These 1970s Italian police films were over the top in every way, and many of the actors performed their own stunts (of which there were many!). The films show a level of violence that one does not see in American films, even of that era.
And they had evocative titles such as "Bloody Payroll," "Weapons of Death" and "Live Like A Man, Die Like A Cop." Can't get better than that!
The films were produced in an era, known as the anni di piombo ("the lead years"), when the Italian political scene was exploding in violence, as people on the Left and the Right literally exchanged shots and planted bombs.
The translation was certainly a welcome change of pace. In the past, I've translated lots of company bids; I even helped out with a Benetton workplace manual. This was much more fun!
For more info, go here:
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