Troppo bello ragazzi!I haven't written about
Silvio Berlusconi's latest marital shenanigans, but I couldn't resist posting this cartoon.
First off, because I absolutely love
political cartoonists. I think they are brilliant! They manage to convey so much information in a few lines and one panel of imagery.
Secondly, the play on words is cutesy.
Arcore is one of Berlusconi's estates, so basically the cartoonist is saying the prime minister's home is more or less a
What can I add? Really nothing. The best commentary I saw alleges that Berlusconi knows news of his infidelity and his boundless interest in the fairer sex only
STRENGTHENS his following and his legacy in Italy.
Of course,
c'è anche da dire che his current wife, Veronica Lario, who entered that marital state after having an
affair with Silvio while he was married to
Signora Berlusconi No. 1 (or was she No. 2?!), should have expected this.
What, he cheated on No. 1 with you, but surely he won't cheat on you?
Che buffo!
Ovvero: che buffona.