Tuesday, August 25, 2009


L'ho comprato al mercato sabato in anticipo del rientro del Nostro Inviato da Messico (lui c'era rimasto un'altra settimana per lavorare).

Un girasole sapeva dargli il benvenuto!


  1. Yup, that is a happy sunflower!

  2. That is beautiful! It makes me wish summer wasn't at an end ;)

    I'm so sorry I missed you at the blogger tent, Ciambellina! We'll have to plan a real meet-up soon!

  3. I love sunflowers but I tend not to buy them because, I don't know, I guess I would prefer they grow in my front yard.

    Hint, hint, Il Nostro Inviato!

    Yes Ms. AsianCajuns -- we do have to get together in person! Your new blog looks great.

  4. Actually, I've learned this summer that all you need to grow sunflowers is a bunch of bird feeders on your patio filled with sunflower seeds. You'll get about 20 sunflowers growing. You'll also get about 20 chipmunks, 30 squirrels, and a lot of birds.

  5. Ha ha! I see. I know someone who has elaborate plans to take down squirrels in his yard.

  6. I love sunflowers, too.
    And just like you I don't like buying them, because a sunflower plant in a port or even in a garden is not liek a sunflower field in the country...


Thanks for reading the blog!