Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Three Italian teaching positions in N.C.

For some weird reason -- I guess, the reason is I am me -- I am on an email list for university professors of Italian.

No, I am not a professor of Italian, nor am I even trying to be -- though it would be fun, huh?!

But I subscribe to an Italian academic journal (Italica) that features reviews of new books and essays on research topics, and along with the subscription comes an email listserv that frequently traffics in job openings.

This morning I received an email about three -- yes three! -- teaching positions at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem (North Carolina). The university is looking for two lecturers and one assistant professor of Italian.

Why do I care?

Well, first off, I always want to see more Americans studying Italian.

And if they need three Italian teachers at a university in North Carolina that's not necessarily known for its Italian curriculum (as, say, Columbia University is), well, heck, that tells me more and more people are actually studying Italian! Yay!

Che faccio oggi?

Cerco lavoro, chiaro, ma spero di anche andare a nuotare a vasca. C'è una bella piscina nella zona di Atlanta dove viviamo e me ne devo approffittare perché fra poco chiude.

Buona giornata a tutti!


  1. ciao io sono italiana è proprio un bel blog!
    il mio è www.maddaliena.blogspot.com

  2. ..hai un link che si riferisce alla ricerca dei lettori in italiano?
    grazie :)


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