With Italy's elections scheduled for tomorrow and Monday, there is a big movement against voting at all. As you may have seen in a previous post, Beppe Grillo, the comic whose rhetoric has spawned a movement against the excesses of the political class, advocates not voting.
Others say not voting translates into a vote for Silvio Berlusconi's side. Below, well-known Corriere della Sera columnist Beppe Severgnini gives his two cents in response to a letter from a reader (that's his logo at left). I love the headline: Che consiglio dai agli scioperanti del voto? (What advice do you give to the "vote-strikers"?)
Caro Beppe,
si avvicina la data delle elezioni, e sinceramente sento molta perplessità intorno a me, a dir poco contagiosa. Sembra quasi che possa vincere il partito del non-voto. Il tuo grande maestro, Indro Montanelli, sosteneva, se non ricordo male, che «bisogna tapparsi il naso, e andare a votare*». A fronte di tanta diffidenza, che quest'anno vedo diffondersi a macchia d'olio più che in precedenti elezioni, quale consiglio ti sentiresti di dare ai possibili scioperanti del voto?
-Francesca Baldacci, baldaccina@fastwebnet.it
BS: Di non scioperare. Certo, se lo facessero, li capirei. Ma sarebbe uno sfogo, non altro (un po' come insultare l'arbitro allo stadio*).
Mettiamo che la percentuale di votanti, il 13-14 aprile, scenda del 10% (una percentuale notevole). Cosa accadrebbe? Qualche titolo nei Tg e sui giornali, per due o tre giorni («Cresce l'astensione, l'Italia è stanca», «Contro la Casta, il non-voto. Preoccupazione del Quirinale»). Poi, tutto come prima.
*Bisogna tapparsi il naso, e andare a votare means: You just need to hold your nose and vote.
*Un po' come insultare l'arbitro allo stadio means: It's a bit like cursing at the referee during the game. Severgnini thinks not voting will amount to the same thing -- you might blow off some steam but you have not accomplished anything. Still the same problems.
The real thing of non-voting is that who doesn't vote doesn't count nothing at all. So, it is equivalent to say that he agrees with the one that wins.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, in the last elections there were 147 movements, on which 15 were the symbols that could be voted. Among all of them there was nothing to choose to vote for (or, how somebody else did do, nothing to choose to vote against)?
Frankly i thought that i was not represented completely by none of the parties, but i did vote, because whatever one can say about corruption of politicians, i am happy to be democratically represented by a democratic Parliament.
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and then
PS: By the way, i firmly believe that non voting is an insult to our ancestors that gave their own life to give us the right to vote.