Monday, December 26, 2011

Babbo Natale è bravo

Guarda che cosa mi ha riportato Babbo Natale/Il Nostro Inviato dall'Italia! Il nuovo libro di Roberto Saviano. C'è qualcuno che ha visto la trasmissione televisiva o letto il libro?

L'ho gia' cominciato a leggere ieri sera ma ancora non so se ci sono i problemi che si verificano nel "Gomorra."

Cioè, credo che la redazione non abbia fatto granchè con quel libro; c'erano dei capitoli lunghissimi che si sarebbero migliorati parecchio se un redattore si fosse dato da fare.

Poi, c'era anche questo sotto l'albero di Natale:

Un "calendario goloso." Ci sono anche le ricette!

Spero che tutti voi abbiate passato un bel Natale!

Io domani torno a lavororare ma mi rimangono ancora qualche ora di liberta' ed ho in programma di passare un po' di tempo con degli amici e qualche ora con il mio nuovo libro.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Festeggiare Natale, secondo tempo: Panettone

It's not Christmas without panettone!

You can eat this bready raisin-studded cake for breakfast either plain, or use it to make french toast (that's an American adaptation -- I doubt the Italians do that!).

We also have traditional American treats:

Peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips on top, for a twist. Today I plan to make oatmeal cookies, and tomorrow possibly another round of chocolate chip.

Buon appetito e buon Natale!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

L'albero di Natale

Innanzitutto, portiamo l'albero di Natale a casa. Si' che costa una cifra, ma subito la casa diventa piu' accogliente!

Poi, si mettono le catene di lucine intorno all'albero.

Ecco l'albero con tutti gli attrezzi e l'angelo in cima. Che capolavoro!

Buon natale!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Festeggiare Natale, primo tempo

Per festeggiare Natale da noi, ormai si comincia sempre qui:

E poi:

Prossimamente: le foto del albero di natale.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ital film @ GSU Thu night

Georgia State University's student-run movie theater, Cinefest, will continue its monthly Italian film series with a showing of "Era Notte A Roma".

That's a 1960 film from the renowned director Roberto Rossellini. The film starts at 7 p.m. on Thursday.

The showing is free. Hope to see you there.

For more information, visit:

Or sign up for updates on Facebook.

66 Courtland Street SE, Suite 240
(At the corner of Decatur St.)
Atlanta, GA 30303

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Addio, Silvio

Se ne va Silvio Berlusconi...finalmente!

E' il momento quindi di insegnare agli amici italiani qualche frase utile in inglese:

"Good riddance."

"Don't let the door hit you on your way out."

"Don't call us -- we'll call you."

"Elvis has left the building."

Friday, November 11, 2011

Italian immersion weekend in NYC

The New School in New York City will be holding a three-day intense Italian immersion course during the first weekend in December.

(Other languages are also on offer.)

Here's the email with all of the information:

Dear Students,

I would like to inform you about our upcoming language immersion weekend on Dec. 2, 3, and 4.

I am also pleased to announce that, as many of you have requested, we have added Russian and American Sign Language to our offering.

The following are the On the Go course offerings for December 2-4, 2011:

Arabic Level 2
Chinese Level 1
French Level 1-4
German Level 2
Italian Level 2
Japanese Level 1
Portuguese Level 2
Russian Level 1 NEW!
Sign Language Level 1 NEW!
Spanish Level 1-4

You can register online at or over the phone at 212-229-5690 or 5620.

If you are unsure about your placement, call us at 212 229 5676. We will have an instructor contact you to help determine the appropriate level.

Department of Foreign Languages
The New School
64 West 11th Street
New York, New York 10011

t: 212 229 5676
f: 212 229 5679

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ital. film at GSU Thursday night (Nov. 3)

Georgia State University's student-run movie theater, Cinefest, will continue its monthly Italian film series with a showing of "Come Te Nessuno Mai."

That's a 2000 film from the director Gabriele Muccino. The film starts at 7 p.m.

Hope to see you there. The small theater was full last month so get there early. Plus, dear Italophiles, it's free!

For more information, visit:

Or sign up for updates on Facebook.

66 Courtland Street SE, Suite 240
(At the corner of Decatur St.)
Atlanta, GA 30303

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today's Laughs

The first one is the best!

Il Trota ha detto che per non ingrassare mangia solo il buco della ciambella.

Il Trota ha detto che quando il suo papi è caduto voleva chiamare il 118, ma non ricordava il numero.

Il Trota ha detto che per non far cadere il padre di notte dal letto lo farà dormire di giorno.

Leggendo i necrologi, Il Trota ha detto che non capisce come fa la gente a morire in ordine alfabetico

Il Trota ha detto che non capisce perché alcune tazzine da caffè hanno il manico a sinistra ed altre a destra

Il Trota ha detto che non ha bisogno delle chiavi inglesi perché non ha mai avuto una casa a Londra

Il Trota ha detto che spiare le coppiette in macchina non è reato ma fecondazione assistita.

Il Trota ha detto che non capisce come mai tutti come password scelgono sempre solo asterischi

Il Trota ha detto che i libri che ha a casa non hanno l'indice ma il medio

Il Trota ha detto che Garibaldi era un drogato perché si faceva l'eroina

Il Trota ha detto che una gallina può fare un uovo duro se lavora sodo

Il Trota ha detto che sta scrivendo un libro su se stesso, ma arrivato alla schiena proprio non ci riesce

Il Trota ha detto che le rose senza spine vanno a batteria

Il Trota ha detto che il poliziotto più sfigato è quello che muore al Posto di Blocco, mentre il più fortunato è Blocco

Il Trota ha detto che il Sahara è un deserto e su questo non ci piove...



Sunday, October 16, 2011

A little Dante in the kitchen

I have the entire text of Dante's Divine Comedy.

On the wall in my kitchen.

Every word! Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso.

From: "Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita," all the way to "l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle." (That's the Dante version of from alpha to omega).

Thanks, of course, to Il Nostro Inviato (che oggi scappa di nuovo per Italia).

He bought the poster somewhere in Italy as a Christmas gift a few years back and I finally had it framed this month.

I added something else: a magnifying glass so I can read verses while he prepares dinner. Because otherwise the type is way too small and no one will ever be able to read a word of it!

So if you have a hankering for a little bit of Florence's greatest poet, come on over!

Actually I should mention, most parts of The Divine Comedy are freakin' impossible so maybe this is a good way to tackle the text. You know, a canto or two, between dinner courses.

(You can find a great way to look at the entire text online by following a link at the bottom of this page, under the heading 'Links' -- Dante: The Divine Comedy. It's the entire text, organized canto by canto so you can read as little or as much as you want).

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ce l'ha fatta! Incredibile

Italian Prime Minister Silvo Berlusconi survives another confidence vote in parliament. Him and cats -- nine lives.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Italian Film Series at GSU (Atlanta)

Georgia State University's student-run movie theater, Cinefest, has started an Italian film series.


It will show an Italian film on the first Thursday of every month. The series began last week with "Travolti Da Un Insolito Destino Nell'Azzurro Mare D'Agosto" with Giancarlo Giannini.

Next month, the cinema will show "Come Te Nessuno Mai," di Gabriele Muccino.

(There's also a separate series focused on Italian horror directors such as Dario Argento).

It's a great little movie theater. And they even have popcorn! Plus the movies in this series are free. So really, there's no reason NOT to come!

For more information, visit:

Or sign up for updates on Facebook.

66 Courtland Street SE, Suite 240
(At the corner of Decatur)
Atlanta, GA 30303

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Fiona, la nostra bella gatta

Col bel tempo ancora qui ad Atlanta, Fiona gradisce un sonnolino in terrazza.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Weekend Italian immersion course in NYC

Just got this email from the New School in New York City:

Dear LII students,

I hope that this email finds you well.

I would like to inform you about our upcoming language immersion weekend on October
21, 22 and 23

We are offering the following languages and levels:

American Sign Language 1 (NEW)
Arabic 1
Chinese 1
German 1
Italian 1
Japanese 1
Portuguese 1
Russian 1 (NEW)
French 1, 2, 3, 4
Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4

You can register online at or over the phone at 212-229-5690 or 5620.

Nota bene:
I took a Spanish language immersion course in New York through SUNY New Paltz a few years back, and it was great!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Diner's Journal: Summer pleasures

Here's something we eat a lot in the summer:

Pomodori dal giardino

Le linguine ai frutti di mare...

....With scallops

Friday, September 23, 2011

Today's Berlusconi Joke

From our wonderful friend Ilaria:

Un tizio entra in un bar supertecnologico per bere qualcosa.

Il barista è un robot e gli chiede qual è il suo quoziente d' intelligenza: “150” è la risposta.

Allora il robot gli serve un whisky di malto di 16 anni, e inizia a parlargli del riscaldamento del globo, dell’interdipendenza ambientale, di problemi di meccanica quantistica, nanotecnologie ecc...

L'’uomo, incuriosito, decide di testare ancora il robot.

Ritorna il giorno dopo ed il robot gli domanda qual è il suo quoziente d'intelligenza.

L'uomo risponde: "90."

Allora il robot gli serve una birra, e inizia a parlargli di calcio, di donne, dei suoi piatti preferiti, ecc...

Sempre più intrigato, il tizio ritorna ancora nel bar il giorno dopo ed il robot gli richiede qual è il suo quoziente d'intelligenza.

Il tizio risponde: “40”.

Allora il robot gli serve un bicchiere di Tavernello e poi gli chiede:

“Allora, si vota per Berlusconi anche stavolta, eh?”

Monday, September 05, 2011

Non è il solito vino

Ma dove l'abbiamo preso e quando? (Cioè noi due non siamo mai stati nella provincia di Grosseto).

Ed è anche possibile che fu un regalo.

Comunque sia, questo vino era buono, e fra poco vi dirò perché.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Birreria @ Eataly, New York

"Birreria" (=beer bar) is not a word that you see everyday in the USA, even in New York.

But this is the rooftop beer and winebar at the Italian food emporium, Eataly in New York so you begin to expect the unexpected.
And what a view!
Here's something else you don't see much in America (or even indeed in Italy): wine served on draft from barrels.

If you happen to be near Fifth Avenue and 23rd Street in New York, stop in at Eataly for a nibble.

Italian food and wine lovers may be disappointed by the prices (New York-style, but of course) but not with the food and drink.

Buon appetito!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Caffe @ Eataly, New York

It's always a good time for an espresso. Il Nostro Inviato couldn't resist when we stopped in at Eataly in New York this past week.

Eataly = huge emporium of Italian food and drink in Manhattan

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

cucina + caffe + primitivo

Un angolo della cucina a casa mia (un po' di casino, si, ma questa foto mi piace perche' fa vedere i piccoli piaceri italiani nella mia vita).

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What's ailing Italy? Read The Economist

This special report from The Economist (you can see the cover in this photo) is the most thorough I've seen on Italy's economic, social and institutional problems. Oh it ain't pretty! But if you're at all interested in Italy, it's definitely worth a read.

In fact, you can even order reprints! (Sadly enough, I'm thinking of doing just that).

Another English-language periodocal, The New Yorker, has also produced a solid report (below) on Berlusconi's shenanigans, and what it says about the country he rules.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Italian beer guide

Il Nostro Inviato's friend, Mike, gave him this guide to Italian beers, and I've been meaning to post a photo for a long time.

There's a beer revolution going on in Italy, and if you wanted to plan a trip around Italian breweries and innovative beer bars, this book would be your guide.

Actually, I think Il Nostro Inviato would like to do just that!

And there are some really good Italian craft beers. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising since Italians simply know what to do once they have good ingredients in their hands whether you're talking about food or drink.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Caffe Kimbo @ Toscano & Sons

Do you remember a few months back I was oohing and ahhing over Caffe Kimbo?

Turns out I CAN buy it in Atlanta at Toscano & Sons on Atlanta's Westside.


While I was shopping there for coffee and biscotti and fresh bread, I also picked up a really great mozzarella and prosciutto sandwich.

They'll make them fresh for you so stop in -- you won't be disappointed.

Buon appetito!

Toscano & Sons Italian Market
1000 Marietta St NW # 106
Atlanta, GA 30318-0524
(404) 815-8383

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Alla ricerca di ciambelline in USA

Va bene, sinceramente, non si trovano facilmente le buone ciambelline qui.

Quelle che si vedono nella foto erano buone, ma con rispetto alle amatissime (da me) paste italiane, erano troppo zuccherose e troppo pesanti.

Beh, allora, bisogna che io mi fermi presto dalla pasticcieria Patrizio Cosi a Firenze (magari!).

Monday, May 30, 2011

La Fiat 500 è qui!

E quando dico che la 500 è qui, voglio dire che è arrivata non solamente ad Atlanta, ma proprio nel mio vicinato!

Bellina, no?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tutti adorano la cucina italiana (in USA)

L'intero numero di Bon Appetit si dedica alle ricette italiane e soprattutto ai trucchi che i cuochi italiani (voi!) usano per creare le delizie.

Secondo me si ignora in Italia quanto gli americani si sono ormai appassionati della cucina italiana.

Qui si trovano ristoranti "toscani" e pizzerie napolitane, ecc. E' proprio una mania. E non si vede la stessa passione per la cucina francese o tedesca o persino spagnola.

Comunque buon appetito!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I used to live here....

And by here, I mean I used to share an apartment at the top of the Medieval stone tower you see in the photo.

Il Nostro Inviato took this picture while he was visiting Florence last month.

Some things never change. To put it bluntly, it will never suck to live in a tower in the center of Florence (near the Arco di San Pierino where you'd see the heroin addicts crowded around the Antico Noe sandwich shop that was tucked into the vault of the arch).

To be sure, it was cold during the winter because there was no heat (I only lived there for about six months). But the highest floor of the tower contained one large open room that was outfitted with windows on three sides, and a large fireplace.

With or without a glass of Brunello, I found the view from the top to be quite compelling, to put it mildly.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What I'm reading now

Bell'Italia, one of the most beautiful magazines ever published!

I know one would normally follow the words 'What I'm reading' with the title of some profound novel, but, well, reading Bell'Italia is a fine use of one's time (or at least MY time!).

It patiently explores every corner of Italy, and every aspect of Italian culture, while publishing National Geographic-caliber photos. It also includes lots of fold-out diagrams and maps!

Where can you buy it?

Well, I believe my copy was purchased at the airport in Florence, and I have not seen it in the U.S. (yes, I mean, even in New York, I'm not sure if they sell it....And of course if they do, it will cost you at least $10!).

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Caffe Mingo!

Slowly but surely, I'm allowing myself to open the Christmas-in-April gifts that Il Nostro Inviato brought back from Florence.

And the can of Caffe Mingo topped the list. I've never had it before and it's good!

Caffe Mingo. Caffe Quarta. Caffe Guglielmo. Caffe Kimbo.

I've tried all of these Italian coffee brands in the past few years. Am I ever going to be content again with just Lavazza?

Doubt it! It just seems like all of the other coffees are much stronger.

That's not too surprising when you're dealing with a small regional coffee brand that's made in southern Italy, such as Quarta.

But Caffe Mingo is made in Florence (Borgo San Lorenzo, actually).

Kind of cool to think I'm still discovering new things to love almost 20 years after I stepped foot in Italy for the first time.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Christmas in April (Il Nostro Inviato rincasa)

Il Nostro Inviato was in Florence last week and he was very generous with the gifts that be brought back.

Basically, this is a picture of some of my favorite things in the world. Shoot, they are some of the world's best things, period!

*Italian newspapers and magazines (Panorama, Bell'Italia)
*Taralli (a crunchy snack from Puglia)
*Italian coffee (this time Caffe Mingo and Caffe Manaresi)
*The Italian puzzle magazine (Settimana Enigmistica)
*Italian wine (vin santo & biscotti and a bottle of Morellino di Scansano which you can't see)
*Real Italian biscotti for dipping in coffee

Please note, there are also treats for Il Nostro Inviato:
*The Vin santo; trust me, it's for him!
*Saffron (in the yellow packet)

Ah la dolce vita!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Prima c'era la latteria dove lavorava la Paola

Quest'angolo a Firenze, sì che lo conosco. Ma La Gabbia? Ma che l'è?

Prima c'era la latteria dove compravo degli etti di gorgonzola, qualche bottiglia di birra, a volte una confezione di mozzarella e, chiaramente, il latte. Ora scomparsa.

Forse si puo' dire, Plus ca change, plus ca change...

Questa foto l'ha scattata Il Nostro Inviato. Stava a Firenze durante la fine della settimana, e si è fermato alle solite tappe del vicinato dove abitavamo noi.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wish you were here (Il Nostro Inviato torna a Firenze)

Il Nostro Inviato is in bella Firenze today and look at this gorgeous photo. Looks like morning to me!

He snapped this photo at Patrizio Cosi, my favorite bar/pasticcieria in Florence.

And do I need to mention that the ciambellina you see in the photo is my favorite pastry?!

Saturday, April 02, 2011

A chi ama dormire....

Dalla mia maestra, Antonella:

A chi ama dormire ma si sveglia di buon umore
A chi saluta ancora con un bacio
A chi lavora molto e si diverte di più
A chi ha l'entusiasmo di una bambina e i pensieri di una donna
A chi va in fretta in auto ma non suona ai semafori
A chi arriva in ritardo ma non cerca scuse
A chi spegne la televisione per fare due chiacchiere
A chi è felice il doppio quando fa a metà
A chi si alza presto per aiutare un amico
A chi vede nero solo quando è buio
A chi non aspetta il Natale per essere migliore...

Buon anno!

(Vedrete, vi offro questo messaggio parecchio in ritardo ma non cercherò scuse!)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

La Fiat 500 è (quasi) qui!

The Fiat 500 is coming to America! Fiat dealerships are opening up here, and in fact there will be one in Atlanta! This is something Il Nostro Inviato has been talking about for years -- no exaggeration -- but it's also of interest to me.

Here's one of the stories I'm reading about the 500's arrival:

I also love the story below about what Fiat had to change to make the car ready for the North American market (and North American regulatory and safety concerns):

Will I buy a Fiat 500? Ma non so....Il Nostro Inviato will want me to have one, for sure. But it's smaller than a Mini, which means it's smaller than my Volkswagen Golf. And that may be a bit too small even for Ciambellina.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Atlanta Italian Film Fest info now available

The 2011 Atlanta Italian Film Festival kicks off on Thu., March 24. The organization running the festival has now posted the slate of films and all the details.

Go here for information on the films:

The festival takes place at Georgia State University's Rialto theater, and begins with a screening of the Fellini classic, "La Dolce Vita."

The new films include a lot of comedies, unlike last year's festival, which was marked by some decidedly sad (and some might say bizarre) films!

I'm not sure which screenings I plan to attend but I would like to see "La Dolce Vita" on the big screen!

Atlanta's Italian Meetup is organizing incontri every evening there's a film. For more information, go here:

Ci vediamo al Rialto!

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Italian film festival returns to Atlanta

Here's the info:

Atlanta Italian Film Festival 2011
March 24th - 27th
at Rialto Center for the Arts

In partnership with Georgia State University

From the email:

"The Italian Film Festival is back for the fifth time in Atlanta, bigger and better than ever. Seven outstanding Italian films will be presented at the Rialto Center for the Arts from March 24th through the 27th including the unique celebration of 50 years of La Dolce Vita of Italian Cinema on Opening Night, the Best Films, as voted by the audience in our Festival in Miami October 2010, a selection dedicated to Italian Documentaries and our award winning presentation of short films titled "Life is Too Short" and much more.

"Enjoy also our Signature Opening Party and a Closing Cocktail, stay tuned for the full details but mark your calendars because it happens only once a year and it is now!"

All information and film titles soon available at

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Italian women say: "Se non ora, quando?"

"If not now, then when?"

Italian women (and men) will be protesting Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's treatment of women, both on the television channels he owns and in his private life, in piazzas across Italy this Sunday. Here's their statement of intent:

Friday, February 04, 2011

NYT photo: "Italy is not a whorehouse"

(Credit: Maurizio Degl'Innocenti/European Pressphoto Agency)

Here's what I'm reading this week:

Sex Scandals in Italy Fuel Discontent of Women
Published: February 2, 2011
The scandals around the Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi are a reminder of Italy’s persistent gender gap.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

NYT: A Soap Opera Starring Berlusconi

Here's what I'm reading today:

Week in Review
Surreal: A Soap Opera Starring Berlusconi
Published: January 22, 2011
In Italy, politics can seem to be on one plane of reality and real life on another.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Italian treats from New York

Caffe Kimbo from Naples -- oh so good! I bought it at Roma's near Troy, N.Y., where Il Nostro Inviato's family lives. Our Christmas holidays in New York stood us in good stead to stock up on Italian treats.

I've definitely decided that coffee from Southern Italy is the best! Side by side, the Caffe Kimbo is so much darker than even Lavazza Oro. And I say darker=better.

Taralli. Crunchy, salty, with an olive oil essence, this is my favorite snack of all time! Think of them as Italian pretzels but so much better.

And some camomille tea. I bought the taralli and the tea at Chelsea Market in New York City.

Buon anno and buon appetito!

Buon anno!

A little late to the table, yes, but is it too late to say:

Buon Anno --- ?

I hope not!