Friday, July 11, 2008


Buonasera, buonasera,

I'm planning to write a post about what I am doing while I am unemployed (disoccupata) but in the meantime I want to alert you to a new Italian film called "Days and Clouds" that tells the story of a middle-aged man from Genoa who is fired after 20 years on the job. Vabbe', my situation è un po' diversa, but it fits in with a theme.

Sounds like it's been a great year for Italian film!

Read on:

I see it's playing at the Quad Cinema on West 13th Street in New York, for our lettori Newyorkesi.


  1. I will be sure to check out that movie - I enjoy Italian Cinema.

  2. You're a renaissance man Cosi!


Thanks for reading the blog!