Ma lo sapevi che il 4 luglio fu il compleanno di Giuseppe Garibaldi?
Io no!
Me = I write, I edit, I speak Italian, I teach & I do some translation, too. Plus, I love these little sugar-dusted donuts that the Italians call ciambelline. Ciambellina = Chah-Mm-Bayl-LEEna. Welcome & start reading!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Bocce in USA
Yes, si gioca a bocce anche in USA.....
Infatti, giocare a bocce negli ultimi anni è diventata un'attività ricercata fra i giovani che abitano nelle grandi città. È di moda!
Qui faccio vedere una partita ad un locale vicino a casa nostra. C'è sempre una folla di gente intorno alla pista. Ripeto: giocare a bocce va alla moda!
Sapete di già che odio gli anglicismi che si usano in Italia. E faccio di tutto per far vedere che qui in USA siamo altrettanto ossessionati dalla cucina e cultura italiana.
Se leggete il blog, avrete visto tante foto di motorini -- ormai si va in motorino qui perché vogliamo imitare VOI!
Finalmente noi Americani abbiamo cominciato a mangiare con un'occhio alla stagione e i suoi frutti, sempre con l'idea che voi in Italia be siete esperti e se noi vogliamo mangiare bene, dobbiamo adottare le vostre usanze.
E sì, giochiamo persino a bocce!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Program director job open in SIENA
There are some GOOD jobs available for folks who know Italian and want to help American students find their way around Italy. Here's the latest:
Job: Siena Resident Director
The Siena Resident Director (RD) is responsible for CET’s History of Art and Italian Studies in Siena program, in addition, to other small specialty programs managed by CET in Siena.
CET Academic Programs is a private study abroad organization. Based in Washington, DC, CET has been designing and administering educational programs abroad since 1982. CET is well-known for its innovations in the field of study abroad. Our programs emphasize high academic standards, innovative approaches to teaching, and careful student management.
The RD serves as CET’s primary liaison for the programs and coordinates communication between the other staff members, students and/or faculty.
The RD handles all non-academic issues, such as housing, meals, activities and excursions. However, as program axis, the RD is peripherally involved with academics and handles scheduling all classes and class-related field trips (in consultation with the faculty) and monitors classes, assists with hiring faculty, helps students with most common academic questions according to the academic policy, attendance, class room equipment, etc, as well as working together with the Italy Programs Director, faculty and students to work through any academic-related problems or issues.
Attributes of the ideal RD candidate are flexibility, enthusiasm for students and study abroad and dedication. Candidates are advised that this is a time-consuming, challenging position. We therefore discourage those interested in pursuing their own research projects in Siena from applying. CET is seeking a candidate willing to commit to two years in Italy.
To Apply:
Qualified candidates should submit:
• A formal cover letter that includes the position title (Siena Resident Director) and how you first heard of the position opening;
• A resume;
• Contact information for three references.
Applications that do not include all of these requirements will not be considered.
Application Deadline: July 3, 2009
Send application materials via e-mail to:
Emiliana F. Caldarelli
Italy Programs Director
Job: Siena Resident Director
The Siena Resident Director (RD) is responsible for CET’s History of Art and Italian Studies in Siena program, in addition, to other small specialty programs managed by CET in Siena.
CET Academic Programs is a private study abroad organization. Based in Washington, DC, CET has been designing and administering educational programs abroad since 1982. CET is well-known for its innovations in the field of study abroad. Our programs emphasize high academic standards, innovative approaches to teaching, and careful student management.
The RD serves as CET’s primary liaison for the programs and coordinates communication between the other staff members, students and/or faculty.
The RD handles all non-academic issues, such as housing, meals, activities and excursions. However, as program axis, the RD is peripherally involved with academics and handles scheduling all classes and class-related field trips (in consultation with the faculty) and monitors classes, assists with hiring faculty, helps students with most common academic questions according to the academic policy, attendance, class room equipment, etc, as well as working together with the Italy Programs Director, faculty and students to work through any academic-related problems or issues.
Attributes of the ideal RD candidate are flexibility, enthusiasm for students and study abroad and dedication. Candidates are advised that this is a time-consuming, challenging position. We therefore discourage those interested in pursuing their own research projects in Siena from applying. CET is seeking a candidate willing to commit to two years in Italy.
To Apply:
Qualified candidates should submit:
• A formal cover letter that includes the position title (Siena Resident Director) and how you first heard of the position opening;
• A resume;
• Contact information for three references.
Applications that do not include all of these requirements will not be considered.
Application Deadline: July 3, 2009
Send application materials via e-mail to:
Emiliana F. Caldarelli
Italy Programs Director
Italian Summer Picnic at Toscano and Sons
Toscano and Sons will be holding an Italian Summer Picnic on Sat., July 11th at 4:30.
It costs $20. Here's the menu to help you decide:
*Broccoli Rabe Salad - a version of a classic Pugliese pasta dish
*Antipasti Salad
*Marinated Seafood Salad
*Giambotta - a quick stew of fresh summer produce in a rich tomato broth that can be served either warm or room temperature
*Panelle - chickpea fritters with freshly grated Piave cheese, marinated cherry tomatoes, chopped parsley and paired with one of two sauces
Toscano and Sons is a deli and food market over on the burgeoning Westside of Atlanta. For more info, go here:
It costs $20. Here's the menu to help you decide:
*Broccoli Rabe Salad - a version of a classic Pugliese pasta dish
*Antipasti Salad
*Marinated Seafood Salad
*Giambotta - a quick stew of fresh summer produce in a rich tomato broth that can be served either warm or room temperature
*Panelle - chickpea fritters with freshly grated Piave cheese, marinated cherry tomatoes, chopped parsley and paired with one of two sauces
Toscano and Sons is a deli and food market over on the burgeoning Westside of Atlanta. For more info, go here:
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Frittata di fiori di zucca=buona!!!

When you start with homegrown ingredients like these, you really can't go wrong!
So last week, Il Nostro Inviato made a wonderful frittata with the zucchini flowers and basil he's growing in his garden.
The zucchini flowers had a nice little crunch to them. They are also good fried!
Below is a picture of the frittata on some good bread. Not the best picture -- but oh what a panino! Buon appetito!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Calamari -- that's what's for dinner!
Oh I love calamari.
I think I am probably preaching to the choir, but still, let me go on the record as being a lover of calamari so posterity gets it right.
Take a moment to look at the photo above because I think Il Nostro Inviato hit it out of the ballpark on this one.
He stuffed the calamari with sausage filling. Then he sprinkled it with fresh prezzemolo from the garden (I mean parsley, but I love the word prezzemolo!).
Oh yes yes y'all!
Please stay tuned because I will be posting some other food photos. He's in rare form these days, I think because so many wonderful things are in season.
Alfa Romeo Watch
Una vecchissima Alfa Romeo -- parcheggiata a due passi da casa mia. Ma guarda qui!
Ma come tappa per una passeggiata va proprio bene!
Datela un'ultima occhiata!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Tram -- Firenze
They've just about finished building the new tram line in Florence. Thanks to "Lucy," one of Ciambellina's regular readers, we have a photo!
Lucy posted a comment to my basil post, in which she said it took them 5 years to build the first line, and now they are also building a second line.
Looks pretty cool to me!
Lucy posted a comment to my basil post, in which she said it took them 5 years to build the first line, and now they are also building a second line.
Looks pretty cool to me!
Friday, June 12, 2009
American Murder Suspect Testifies in Italy
Here's something that has captivated Italy.....
American Murder Suspect Testifies at Trial in Italy
Published: June 13, 2009
On the witness stand, Amanda Knox explained on Friday why she retracted her initial statements to the police.
Here's the story:
American Murder Suspect Testifies at Trial in Italy
Published: June 13, 2009
On the witness stand, Amanda Knox explained on Friday why she retracted her initial statements to the police.
Here's the story:
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Woke up this morning...and got myself some Dante!
I woke up early this morning and reached for a book from the bedside table and what did I find?
Dante's Divine Comedy.
So I just started reading it -- you know, for the zillionth time.
But what does it matter? The opening line, "Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita...," never gets old.
In fact, I was thinking, maybe we could paint the first few verses on the wall in the living room?!
Dante's Divine Comedy.
So I just started reading it -- you know, for the zillionth time.
But what does it matter? The opening line, "Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita...," never gets old.
In fact, I was thinking, maybe we could paint the first few verses on the wall in the living room?!
Friday, June 05, 2009
Il Nostro Inviato is growing basil (basilico) in an earth box my father sent us. We used some of the homegrown basil to make gemelli al pesto last week, and wow, it was good! (See photo below)
You really don't need much space to grow basil, and it's one of those plants whose smell transports me immediately to Italy. And of course, it pleases my senses. Ciambellina just adores the color green!
I'd also like to add that making pesto at home is not very hard. You need a blender and only a handful of ingredients: basil, pine nuts, olive oil and parmesan (the recipes usually call for another type of cheese such as pecorino but we often only have one grating cheese on hand).
In this case, the difference between making the sauce at home and buying it ready-made is significant. It's just not something that can easily be mass-produced and then sold in a timely fashion.
Buon appetito!
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